Coming Soon!
We are in the design phase of outfitting our newest location with solar power. We think it's going to look beautiful! In our industry, being conscious of how we are affecting the environment is extremely important. That is why we have taken huge steps to do our part.

Far ahead of many green initiatives, our former Warminster, PA location went solar in March of 2011.

Astro-Dynamic Reduces Emissions by Installing Solar Panels The 61 kilowatt solar array will reduce carbon emissions by more than 1,315 Mte, equivalent to the CO2 removed by planting 280 acres of pine forests, over the 25 year solar panel warranty period. The solar array will also replace 80% of the current energy usage at Astro-Dynamic’s facility. “This investment demonstrates our commitment to the environment by lowering our carbon footprint, and the dependency of non-renewable resources and foreign oil,” said Darrel Dundore, President of Astro-Dynamic. To read the complete press release, download by clicking on the press release image.