Packaging and Boxes

Design Unique and Inspiring Custom Boxes

Custom kits can be used as an immediate way to boost your business' brand or as a long-term solution to stay connected with employees and customers. We are capable and ready to build a solution around each and every request. A colorful custom-printed box filled with your choice of items or promotional products is a sure way to Be Seen and create a lasting impression.

When it comes to Vizi's custom box capabilities; the opportunities are endless.

  • Utilize a custom, branded kit as part of your employee on-boarding process. Welcome them with branded merchandise and important company information.
  • Impress potential clients with a branded and interactive sales kit. Include branded promo items, sales brochures and an easy, direct way to interact with your sales force. These custom packages can be a short or long-term solution for your business and customers to be connected in an interactive way.